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Tilley Wildlife Management Unit (144)

Commencing at the junction of highway 1 (TransCanada) and secondary road 884 near Suffield townsite; thence easterly along highway 1 to range road 9‑3; thence southerly along range road 9‑3 to secondary road 524; thence westerly along secondary road 524 to secondary road 525; thence northwesterly along secondary road 525 to secondary road 875; thence northerly along secondary road 875 to secondary road 535; thence easterly along secondary road 535 to secondary road 876; thence northerly along secondary road 876 to secondary road 544; thence easterly along secondary road 544 to secondary road 884; thence southerly along secondary road 884 to the boundary of  the Suffield Military Reserve; thence southerly along the western boundary of the Suffield Military Reserve to the northwest corner of section 3, township 15, range 9, west of the fourth meridian; thence southerly along secondary road 884 to the point of commencement.